Information For Authors

"40 Years of Horticulture Education in Cluj-Napoca" Conference

Special event – Faculty of Horticulture, Cluj-Napoca

September 27, 2017, Aula Magna “Mihai Serban”, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca

“40 Years of Horticulture Education in Cluj-Napoca” Conference


Guidelines for oral presentations at SHST Conference

Registrations, meetings (except festive ceremony and conference), social events and meals


Guidelines for oral presentations at SHST Conference

We are looking forward to your presentation at the SHST 2017 Conference. In order to expedite the oral presentations, your cooperation (presenters and session moderators) in ensuring that the programme runs smoothly is highly appreciated. Please see below useful guidelines for those who sustain oral presentation, as plenary speakers and presenters of short presentations (‘flash talks’, of no more than 3 minutes). The presentation of contributions as flash talks and the order of presentations will be communicated later. The moderators will ensure that all presenters adhere strictly to the programme schedule ( Agreed with the presenters which will participate also to the Millennium Symposium (, some of the flash presentations are allocated for the next day (in a separate section, the program being announced later). In addition, all papers are published in Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca journal.


Computer/AV facilities

-The lecture computer uses the Window 7 operating system or higher;  presentations will be made using PowerPoint  (recommended), respectively PowerPoint 2010 or higher. Please ensure that your presentation is compatible with PowerPoint (or your video presentation) before arriving at the Conference.

-In order to allow the smooth transition from one speaker to the next and to avoid delays within the timetable, speakers cannot connect their own laptops to the AV system in order to present their talk. Consequently, all presentations need to be uploaded prior to the start of the session.

-Please contact us in advance of the Conference if you intend to include any video clips or animations in your presentation. Please let us know the file type and file size so we can check with our support staff that it is compatible with the AV system and will run smoothly.


Plenary speakers

Plenary featured presentations are 15 minutes in length (10-12 minutes for speaking, 3-5 minutes for questions and transition). All presentations need to be sent by email (or by, if it exceeds the capacity of the e-mail account)- please see the details below.


Short presentation (‘flash talk’)

-Time is limited for a flash talk presentation – 3 minutes – for each presentation. Therefore, it is important that you think carefully about the content of your presentation and plan accordingly (please read our recommendations).

-Flash talks should consist of a minimum of six slides. We do no impose a maximum number of slides, giving the opportunity to each presenter to chose the most relevant data (pictures etc.) for the authors’ contribution, completing the published paper. We steadily invite all presenters to respect the allocated time.

-Questions and discussions for all presentations will take place in a 15 minute slot following the final ‘flash-talk’ section. Therefore, please ensure that you remain within the lecture theater until the conclusion of the programme. Further discussion with interested delegates can take place during the conference.


Uploading presentations

-We invite plenary speakers and flash-talk presenters to email presentations until September 21, 2017 so we can upload the files into the conference file directory. Please email the file to (dr. Catalina Dan, editor Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca). If the file exceeds the account capacity, you can send it via, to the same e-mail address.

– Please also bring a copy of your presentation on a USB stick with you onsite, for any inconveniences.

-All speakers should obtain an e-mail confirmation after the file is verified as compatibility, within a few days after submitting the presentation. If there are any  inadequacies, you will be noted accordingly. In the case you do not receive a confirmation e-mail after sending the presentation, please inform us at In addition, you can visit, before the conference, the upload desk at/near registration, in order to have confirmation of the upload flash talk presentation and that it will run smoothly. Loading of presentations will not be allowed during the conference.

-Please name your presentation as follows: surname of presenter, underline [(underscore (_)], first two words of the title-paper separated by underline. Example: “Smith_The_Influence.pptx”. For plenary speaker presentation is enough surname.


Time keeping

-Given the programme at the Conference, it is important that all speakers keep to their allotted time. The session moderators and conference organizers will oversee time keeping.

-Speakers and flash talk presenters are invited to be present for the start of the session and to sit in the front rows near the lectern, ready to come to the lectern to present according to the timetable.


Compliments for the speakers

The language of the conference is English. The sessions will not have any simultaneous interpretation. Please be aware that some participants may not speak English as their mother tongue. For that purpose, please remember to speak slowly and clearly.


Registrations, meetings (except festive ceremony and conference), social events and meals


September 26, 2017

16.00-18.00 Registration

Place: University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca (UASVM)

Calea Manastur 3-5, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Faculty of Horticulture

ICHAT – Advanced Horticultural Research Institute of Transylvania (ICHAT – in Romanian, “Institutul de Cercetări Avansate al Transilvaniei”)

18.00-19.00 Workshop: News about scientific publishing and Impact Factor (Prof. dr. Radu E. Sestraș – Editor-in-Chief, Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca journal)

Place: ICHAT

19.15-23.00 Welcome Party: Restaurant Valachia (

Romanian / Transylvanian traditional food (including ‘sarmale’, ‘mici’ or ‘mititei’ etc.) and famous wines, ‘popular’ music etc.

September 27, 2017

8.30-10.00(14.00) Registration

Place: University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Aula Magna ‘Mihai Serban’

12.00-14.00 Lunch: Biodiversity Research Centre, UASVM

19.00-24.00 Gala Dinner (Festive Banquet): Grand Hotel Italia (



Please do not forget that registration is required to attend all the scientific sessions and social events. Please note that only fully registered participants and invited guests will be admitted to the scheduled sessions. A personalized confirmation e-mail was sent to each participant once the payment of the registration fee has been received.

The registration includes the attendance of all programmes in 26 and 27 September 2017, but also bag with certificate of attendance and diplomas (personalized), coffee breaks etc. Because some items are personalized, please send us (again) an email confirming your participation (

News: we opened the registration until September 21, 2017 to offer the possibility to particiate especially accompanying persons, but also to others interested participants (

Cluj-Napoca map (UASVM/USAMV)

UASVM Cluj-Napoca (view – campus, partly)

Conference places -UASVM

UASVM Cluj-Napoca, Aula Magna ‘Mihai Serban’ building

UASVM Rectorate building

ICHAT building

Biodiversity Research Centre (lunch, Wednesday, September 27, 2017, 12.00-14.00)

Several participants at Millennium Symposium, UASVM Cluj-Napoca, 2015 (September 24). There are also members of editorial board of Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca journal, respectively: Oscar Vicente, Dimitris Bilalis, Radu Sestras, Maurizio Lambardi, Jaime Prohens. They also will participate to the current events, including the workshop: “News about scientific publishing and Impact Factor”, Tuesday, 26 September 2017

Valachia Restaurant (Welcome Party, Tuesday – September 26, 2017: 19.15-23.00)

Grand Hotel Italia (Gala Dinner/Festive Banquet, Wednesday – September 27, 2017: 19.00-24.00)

Faculty of Horticulture Cluj-Napoca

Horticulture and Forestry Society from Transylvania

Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca